Thursday, 29 April 2010

Blue Roses

These fascinating Blue Roses are always eye catching and are intriguing to look at.

They look well when grouped or used with other strong flowers create a great impact.

For bridal flowers they work well with either blue dresses of any shade as well as greens, creams and aqua which gives an interesting contrast.

Monday, 5 April 2010


One of my favourite of the Springtime flowers is the Daffodil, with stunning colour schemes of yellow, orange and cream. The Daffodil is a great way to brighten your home in spring

Although the Daffodil is available in other seasons of the year by importing them from the dutch flower markets, seeing them for the first time burst into bloom in the garden and the perfume they share with us just takes me back to my childhood.

Using Daffodils in simple designs of handties or filling containers such as jugs and old fashion vases make for great Spring decor. Keep it modern and contemporary by using clear vases and teaming them in groups with Birch, Pussy-willow or Catkins gives an inspiring design.

With Spring plants, my favourite being the Primrose give great splashes of colour instantly by planting them together.

Theses are a few of the Spring flowers and plants i enjoy to have and work with during the Spring months.