For this simple bouquet you will need sun flowers approx 9, asparagus fern, florists ribbon /cord for tying, oasis tape, satin ribbon and pearl pins to finish.
Step 1: start by arranging the sun flowers in a spiral.
Step 2: continue to add sunflowers to form a dome style bouquet as in picture.
Step 3: add asparagus fern to form a trail.
Step 4: arrange asparagus fern to soften the edge of the bouquet.
Step 5: create trails for the front of the bouquet with the asparagus fern.
Step 6: to balance the bouquet arrange asparagus fern to the back of the bouquet keeping it quite close to the sunflower heads.
Step 7: using the florists ribbon/cord tightly tie the stems of the bouquet very close to the sun flower heads.
Step 8: to secure the stems and prepare for the ribbon use florists tape to strengthen the handle.
Step 9: tightly wrap the flower stems with satin ribbon and hold in place by inserting pearl headed pins.
Step 10: cut stems to the desired length, usually about 1inch past the ribbon.
The finished bridal bouquet of sun flowers can be made the day prior to your wedding and kept in a vase of water until your wedding. When needed remove from the water and dry of stems to prevent staining on your dress.